So, her stats are as follows:
Height: 24" (29th percentile)
Weight: 16 lbs 6 oz (88th percentile)
Basically, she's short and chubbs but we love her all the same.
Right now, she loves to kick and eat her hands. She's teething so there is a lot of drool just about every day. She also enjoys a little game we call "Super Miss" where we lift her in the air and sing a little silly song.. "Super Miss to save the dayyyy... Super Miss is on her wayyyy... " lol We get a lot of giggles from her when we play that game.
She's not so much a fan of hiking since she starts to fuss about a quarter way into our hikes.. I hope that she'll change her mind about that before it gets too cold.
Also, she seems to be "hongry" all the time and has been drinking about the max amount of milk intake daily and then some.... her new pediatrician said she can start on rice cereal to help keep her satiated. Normally, babies are supposed to wait until six months since studies show that starting solids early leads to an increased risk for diabetes or child obesity.. but since her brother was fine when he started early, she'll be ok too. So, we will probably start her on a little bit of rice later this week.
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